2017-08-23 - Where We Are


~5.1 miles @ ~12.8 min/mi

"Fox?" Hawk-eyed Kristin glimpses the creature trotting along the sidewalk ahead of us in the gloom. It pauses to look back, ambles another block, turns down a driveway, and vanishes. Clouds low in the east begin to thin as dawn brightens. Humidity is high, Dr K is recovering from a bad cold, and we appreciate intermittent breezes on a quiet morning. The path through Tysons Pimmit Park is newly repaved, wide and smooth. A motorcycle starts and cruises loudly away from a confederate-flag-decorated bungalow. Rabbit count = 1. In the parking lot we observe an eclipse — a sporty Mitsubishi Eclipse automobile, that is.

"Now I know where we are!" — "Yes, right here!"

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-09-18